HERO Research

Research papers on photogrammetry

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Research paper: Photogrammetric Accuracy and Modeling of Rolling Shutter Cameras

BRIEF - Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features

Short description: We are introducing the BRIEF descriptor, which relies on a relatively small number of intensity difference tests to represent an image patch as a binary string.

This research paper received the Koenderink Award during the 2020 ECCV conference.

Authors: M. Calonder, V. Lepetit, C. Strecha, P. Fua

First Public presentation: ECCV 2010, Heraklion

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Research paper: Classification of Aerial Photogrammetric 3D Point Clouds

Classification of Aerial Photogrammetric 3D Point Clouds

Short description: We are presenting a powerful method to extract per-point semantic class labels from aerial photogrammetry data which lead to fast and accurate classification.

Authors: C. Becker, N. Häni, E. Rosinskaya,
E. d’Angelo, C. Strecha

First Public presentation: ISPRS 2017, Hannover

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Research paper: Photogrammetric Accuracy and Modeling of Rolling Shutter Cameras

Photogrammetric Accuracy and Modeling of Rolling Shutter Cameras

Short description: We are evaluating the impact of the rolling shutter cameras of typical consumer UAVs on the accuracy of aerial mapping and 3D reconstruction, using real-world datasets.

Authors: J. Vautherin, S. Rutishauser, K. Schneider-Zapp, H. F. Choi, V. Chovancova, A. Glass, C. Strecha

First Public presentation: ISPRS 2016, Prague

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