Pix4Dfields comparison tool

Compare different agriculture insights with Pix4Dfields

Precision agriculture technology is more than just a buzzword. The right tools can make a big difference to your in-field workflow.

Whether you’re scouting and understanding your fields, validating an insurance claim or managing irrigation, a precision ag comparison tool can make the job easier.

The industry experts we spoke to wanted to compare different things – from orthomosaics and plant features to index maps and damage hotspots – the need was the same: a tool that could compare different layers of agriculture information, side by side.

Two different viewing options

Pix4Dfield’s comparison tool has two different viewing options: double screen or split screen. If you are comparing an index map (for example a NDVI) and an orthomosaic, the double screen allows you to see both visuals displayed simultaneously. In this example, we can see where the damage hotspots on an index map correspond to an orthomosaic.

index map on the left and orthomosaic on the right
Pix4Dfields double screen comparison: index map (NDVI) on the left and orthomosaic on the right

Especially if we zoom in further, the hot spots become even more apparent.

index map on the left and orthomosaic on the right
The hotspots can be seen clearly now

If you need to see more detail within the same visual, then a split screen might be a better option. For example, if you are planning your irrigation management decisions and need to know how the height of your fields (represented in a Digital Surface Model) correspond to an orthomosaic. 

Pix4Dfields comparison tool
Pix4Dfields split screen comparison: index map (NDVI) on the left and a digital surface model (DSM) on the right

Precision agriculture technology is all about the best use of data, allowing you to make decisions faster when it matters the most.

By presenting data in an intuitive and easy-to-use way, the Pix4Dfields comparison tool gives you a deeper understanding of your information.

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Aerial crop analysis for digital farming.

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